刘帆,上海理工大学,建筑环境与能源工程系,讲师。上海理工大学“思学学者”上海市“扬帆科技英才”、“晨光学者”。长期从事室内环境中气溶胶传播规律相关研究工作,在流体力学、传热传质理论、实验和数值模拟方面有扎实的研究基础。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划课题、国际合作项目和军工项目。目前在建筑环境领域Environment International, Environmental Pollution, Science of The Total Environment, Building and Environment, Indoor Air, Energy and Buildings 等知名国际学术期刊共发表SCI论文20余篇。
Ø 室内空气品质与健康(实验/数据处理与分析)
Ø 生物气溶胶传播与控制(编程/实验/数值模拟)
Ø 流体传热传质及数值模拟(编程/数值模拟)
手 机:18252712528
2022.01-至今 讲师 上海理工大学 建筑环境与能源工程系
2019.12-2020.12 博士联合培养 雷丁大学 建筑环境
2015.09-2021.09 博士 东南大学 动力工程及工程热物理
2011.09-2015.06 学士 扬州大学 建筑环境与能源应用工程
Building and Environment, Building Simulation, Journal of Building Engineering, Atmospheric Environment, Energy and Buildings等国际期刊审稿人
1. 上海市教委“晨光计划”:医院环境下动态传染源释放生物气溶胶扩散规律研究;2024.1.1-2025.12.31,主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:热分层环境中运动状态下人呼出生物气溶胶在呼出气流与迎面气流耦合下的传输机制研究;2024.1.1-2026.12.31,主持,在研
3. 上海市科委“启明星(扬帆专项)”,室内横向风作用下人体呼出气溶胶动力特性及传播风险研究;2022.3.1-2026.2.28,主持,在研
4. 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划(重点资助);2022.3.1-2026.2.28,主持,在研
5. 上海建科环境技术有限公司横向合作课题,2022.3.1-2024.12.31,主持,在研
6. 同济大学横向合作课题,2022.8.1-2023.8.1,主持,结题
7. 东南大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金,2018.03-2021.03,主持,结题
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:室内温度分层环境下人呼出热射流规律及其中飞沫散布机理,主要参与,结题
9. “十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题:室内空气质量及运行参数综合评价体系研究,主要参与,结题
10. UK GCRF Rapid Response Grant, Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus in crowded indoor environment:主要参与,结题
11. 中国人民解放军海军研究院、中船等多项横向课题,主要参与,结题
[1] Liu, F., Luo, Z., Li Y., Qian, H. Revisiting physical distancing threshold in indoor environment using infection-risk-based modeling. Environment International 2021;153:106542. (中科院1区, IF 11.8, top)
[2] Liu, F., Zhang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Z., Li, J. Impact of NO2 emissions from household heating systems with wall-mounted gas stoves on indoor and ambient air quality in Chinese urban areas. Science of the Total Environment 2023; 168075. (中科院1区, IF 9.8, top)
[3] Liu, F., Qian, H. Uncertainty analysis of facemasks in mitigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Environmental Pollution 2022; 303:119167. (中科院2区, IF 8.9, top)
[4] Liu, F., Zhang, L., Luo, Z., Zhang, C., Qian, H. Interactions of exhaled buoyant jet flow and human motion-induced airflow: an experiment study in a water tank. Building and Environment 2023;242(3):110603. (中科院1区, IF 7.4, top)
[5] Liu, F., Qian, H., Luo, Z., Wang, S., Zheng, X. A laboratory study of the expiratory airflow and particle dispersion in the stratified indoor environment. Building and Environment 2020;180:106988. (SCI, 中科院1区, IF 7.4, top)
[6] Liu, F., Qian, H., Ma, J., He, P. A simple model for predicting dispersion characteristics of high-temperature airflow and particle distribution during smelting process in a thermally stratified foundry shop. Energy and Buildings 2022;278:112614. (中科院2区, IF 6.7, top)
[7] Liu, F., Zhang, C. Y., Qian, H., Zheng, X. H., Nielsen, P. V. Direct or indirect exposure of exhaled contaminants in stratified environments using an integral model of an expiratory jet. Indoor Air 2019; 29(4):591-603. (中科院2区, IF 6.5)
[8] Liu, F., Luo, Z., Qian, H., Zheng, X. The impact of indoor thermal stratification on the dispersion of human speech droplets. Indoor Air 2021;31(4): 369-382. (中科院2区, IF 6.5)
[9] Liu, F., Luo, Z., Qian, H. Impact of thermal stratification on airborne transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 in various indoor environments. Building Simulation 2023;16(10285). (中科院2区, IF 5.5)