Tittle: Intelligent Built Environmental Systems for Human Health, Productivity, Security and Sustainability- Overview of an Integrated Research and Development Program in Built Environmental Systems (BES).
Abstract: Intelligent built environmental systems (i-BES) is an emerging interdisciplinary area that studies built environmental systems (BES) that can “sense” the needs of occupants as well as the environmental conditions, and automatically adjust the control actuators/devices to meet the. The goals of i-BES are to achieve high indoor environmental quality energy-efficiently and cost-effectively, and to improve human health, performance, wellbeing and sustainability.
时间:2019年6月13日 下午14点
主要内容:在演讲中,首先介绍建筑环境系统的多尺度模型,该模型涵盖从人的微环境到建筑环境和城市生态系统,以及区域和全球环境。将讨论不同规模的环境如何相互作用,以及智能系统将扮演什么样的角色。然后,演讲讨论了开发用于大型高性能建筑和个人环境控制的智能建筑环境系统(i-BES)的关键问题,研究需求和挑战。为了说明iBES研究的综合性和跨学科性,我们将重点介绍几个项目实例,包括:(1)优化疏散计划的智能控制; (2)基于预测模型的通风和空气净化控制; (3)个人热舒适性和室内空气质量控制和建筑物和城市环境中热,空气,水分和污染物的综合运输模型。
Introduction :Jensen Zhang, Ph.D. Professor and Director Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory (BEESL.syr.edu) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Syracuse University, USA Visiting Professor and Principle Researcher School of Architecture and Urban Planning Nanjing University, China
报告人简介:张建舜博士:美国雪城大学能源与环境实验室主任 机械与航空工程系教授 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院访问教授兼首席研究员