张微 讲师





E-mail: zhangwei20145@usst.edu.cn







2020.12―― 上海理工大学 9001cc金沙 讲师

2019.9-2019.12 Technische Universität Berlin环境工程 访问学者

2016.92020.9 同济大学 环境科学与工程 工学博士

2014.32015.12 上海迪夫格环境科技有限公司 研发工程师

2011.92014.3  东华大学 环境工程 工学硕士


主要研究方向: 污泥处理处置与资源化、固体废物资源化回收和利用、固体废物的资源化与能源化



2019国际化学、生物、环境科学国际会议(ICCBES)- 日本大阪.

16IWA (International Water Association) 世界厌氧大会-荷兰代尔夫特理工大学




(1). 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51538008,污泥高含固厌氧消化中的物质转化原理及新技术研究,主要参与;

(2). 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,城市水环境整治国家重点工程技术与实证项目项目2017ZX07403002城市污泥安全处理处置与资源化全链条技术能力提升与工程实证,主要参与;

(3). 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51578397,氨氮对污泥厌氧消化体系中硫生物转化的影响机制研究,主要参与;

(4). 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51878469,剩余污泥中无机组分对其厌氧消化的影响机制研究,参与;

(5). 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21007010,不同氧环境活性污泥系统中痕量四环素类药品与耐药菌的去除与归趋机制研究,主要参与;



1. Wei Zhang, Xiaohu Dai*, Bin Dong, Lingling Dai, New Insight into effect of Sludge Proteins on the Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Properties that Improve Sludge Dewaterability during Anaerobic Digestion. Water research, 2020Vol.173: 115503.   (SCI, IF: 9.103).

2. Wei Zhang , Bin Dong*, Xiaohu Dai* Mechanism analysis to improve sludge dewaterability during anaerobic digestion based on moisture distribution. Chemosphere, 2019, Vol.227: 247-255.  (SCI, IF: 5.778).

3. Wei Zhang, Ying Xu, Bin Dong, Xiaohu Dai*, Characterizing the sludge moisture distribution during anaerobic digestion process through various approaches. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, Vol.675: 184-191.  (SCI, IF: 6.551).

4. Wei Zhang, Man-hong Huang*, Fang-fang Qi, Pei-zhe Sun, Steven W. Van Ginkel, Effect of trace tetracycline concentrations on the structure of a microbial community and the development of tetracycline resistance genes in sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 150: 9–14.  (SCI, IF:7.539)

5. Man-hong Huang*, Wei Zhang, Yu Zheng, Wen Zhang, Correlation among extracellular polymeric substances, tetracycline resistant bacteria and tetracycline resistance genes under trace tetracycline. Chemosphere, 2014 117: 658–662.  (SCI, IF: 5.778).

6. Man-Hong Huang, Wei Zhang, Chong Liu, Hong-Ying Hu, Fate of trace tetracycline with resistant bacteria and resistance genes in an improved AAO wastewater treatment plant. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2015 93: 68–74.  (SCI, IF: 4.966).

7. Wei Zhang, Mechanism Analysis to Improve Sludge Dewaterability during Anaerobic Digestion Based on Moisture Distribution, International Congress on Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sciences May 7-9, 2019 Osaka, Japan(会议论文);

8. Wei Zhang, Mechanism Analysis of the effect of anaerobic digestion on sludge dewaterability. 16th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic digestion 23-27 June 2019, Delft, The Netherlands (会议论文)

9. Wei Zhang, 基于污泥中水分分布分析厌氧消化过程提高污泥水分去除的机理研究,14届全国研究生环境论坛-上海(会议论文).