周志云 副教授



周志云副教授 博士
博士, 结构工程, 日本东北大学, 2002
硕士, 结构工程, 中国矿业大学, 1988
学士, 工业与民用建筑, 中国矿业大学, 1985
2006.04~今 上海理工大学城建学院土木工程系, 副教授
2002.04~2006.03 日本宫城工业高等专科大学, 助理教授、副教授
1995.01~1997.01 中国矿业大学矿山建筑工程学院, 讲师(工程师)
1988.07~1995.01 中国矿业大学建筑设计研究院, 助理工程师、工程师
1. “混凝土冻融变形与寿命预测模型的研究”,上海市自然科学基金(09ZR1422200), 2009-2011
“Research on concrete freeze-thaw deformation and life prediction model ”, Shanghai Natural Science Fund Project (09ZR1422200), 2009.08-2011.07
2. 2006年度获上海市教委重点课程《结构力学》建设资助,2006-2008
3. “混凝土冻结初期收缩变形的机理”, 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目, 2008-2010
 “Shrinkage deformation of concrete in frost process” , Ministry of Education Foundation of returned overseas students, 2008-2010
1.课程《钢结构》 ,2008年度上海市精品课程,排名:3
2. 叶黔元 周志云 李惠平编著,《结构力学》,科学出版社出版,2009.05
 Q.Y.Ye, Z.Y.Zhou and H.P.Li. 2009. Structural Mechanics,BeiJing: Science Press
3. 2009年度上海理工大学优秀课程网站建设,《结构力学》获优秀奖
1. 周志云,司金涛, “混凝土冻结特征温度预测方法研究”, 混凝土, 已录用, 2010, (2): 刊出.
Z. Y. Zhou and J.T.Si, “Research on prediction method of concrete characteristic cooling temperature”, Concrete, 2010, (2), press, (In Chinese)
2. 吕礼春, 周志云等, “顶管施工对条形基础沉降影响分析与地基加固”, 工程建设与设计, 2009, (10): 85-89
   L.C.Lv and Z.Y.Zhou, “ ”, Construction & design for project ,2009, (10): 85-89 (In Chinese)
3. Z. Y. Zhou and H. Mihashi, “Micromechanics model to describe strain behavior of concrete in freezing process”, Journal of materials in civil engineering, ASCE, 2008, 20(1): 46-53. (SCIE,EI)
4. H. Mihashi, Z. Y. Zhou, and S. Tata, “Micro mechanics model to describe freezing induced strain behavior of concrete,” proceedings of the international workshop on microstructure and durability to predict service life of concrete structures, Sapporo, Japan, 2004, 9-16
5. Z. Y. Zhou and H. Mihashi, “Strain changes and deterioration of mortar under different freeze-thaw Test conditions” , Cement science and concrete technology, 2003, (56), 412- 418 (In Japanese).
6. H. Mihashi, Z. Y. Zhou, and S. Taka, “Mathematical model to predict freezing-induced strain behavior of concrete considering micro-mechanism” , Concrete research and technology, 2003, 14(3), 33-44 (In Japanese)
7. H. Mihashi, Z. Y. Zhou, and S. Tata, “Micro-mechanics model to predict macroscopic behavior of concrete under frost action,” Frost resistance of concrete (RILEM Proceedings PRO24), ed. by M.J.Setzer, R.Auberg, and H.-J.Keck, Essen Germany, 2002, 235-241
8. Z. Y. Zhou and H. Mihashi, “Influence of environmental conditions on temperature and relative humidity in concrete specimens,” Journal of snow engineering of Japan, 2001, 17(4), 17-28 (In Japanese).